LOANHOOD is your fashion rental community. It's for the creative independents, the passionate do-ers with too many clothes and nothing to wear. It’s the app for changemakers who want to change the way we experience fashion. It's fun and it's fast but without the impact on the planet, it’s like Depop but for rental. Forget seasonal trends, together we stand outside the current fashion system and we are taking back control of our wardrobes.
Subscription free – whether you rent just for occasions or to refresh your look weekly
Gender inclusive – you can list your items or looks as womenswear, menswear or ungendered and browse across the gender spectrum – everyone can join
Share your style – rent single items or Loan the Look, 2 or more items styled together
Lender Guarantee – protection for your garments up to £500 for as little as £5 a year
Every garment matters – High Street or designer, start renting what you have
UK Consumers have around “£30 billion worth of clothes which they haven’t worn for a year hanging in their wardrobe and £140 million worth of clothing goes to landfill” wrap.org
LOANHOOD is a gender inclusive platform where you dress like you do, mixing new with vintage, one-off pieces with emerging designers, cottagecore, goth, queer or y2k. Make your personal wardrobe and individual style an investment with no subscription fee.
Download the free app to loan an item or ‘Loan the Look’ the platform that gives all fashion, from high street to designer, the opportunity to join the rental rebellion. Its redefining ‘new’. LOANHOOD is about expressing your style and creativity. Loaners upload their wardrobes to a trusted community, users are ID checked and Borrowers browse the LOANHOOD Library for a fun and creative way to refresh their style. We even offer a lender guarantee to protect your garments for £5 a year. Choose to meet in person, courier or mail and rent for 7 days at a time.